Help Support GearBasin

Donate, spread the word, or just enjoy it

Welcome everyone to the beta launch of GearBasin! If you are here from, glad you popped over! GearBasin is a passion project that has been worked on over the past 5 years whenever finances and time has allowed for it.

How can I help? Honestly, just using the site and spreading the word will make me ever so grateful. Although if you're feeling extra charitable and are really digging the site, any donation would be greatly appreciated and further the site! Right now all the website expenses such as servers, web services used, etc. are coming out of pocket until enough traffic is built to attract advertisers or investors.

The plan is to take 25% of all donations to this site and give it towards a charity that involves the environment in some capacity. Once all the website costs are covered, then a 100% of the donations will go towards that charity. The plan is to do this every 3 or 6 months and will probably conduct a poll for all the users to add charities and vote for them.

Thank you all so much and enjoy the site!

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What about is another passion project that has been worked on in parallel with this site over the past 8 months. It is an outdoor centric weather site that is thought would go great with this website and work off each other. It's also being put in beta launch along with this site too. The plan is to do the same support structure as with GearBasin until there is enough ad revenue or investors. Hope you enjoy also!